Stock Code:2382.HK



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Sustainable Development

Focus on the beauty of science and technology

Implement the strategy of a supporting role,
become the world's leading integrated optical products manufacturing enterprises.

Operation and Governance

 >Sustainable Development>Operation and Governance

   The Group always adheres to the principle of integrity and has zero tolerance for any form of bribery, corruption, extortion, fraud, embezzlement and money laundering in all business activities. We have been ramping up our anti-corruption efforts to build a line of defense through corruption investigation, review of connected transactions, integrity promotion and training, system construction and corruption risk identification, and improving internal control measures. We work to move toward the goal of “do not dare to corrupt” in objective behaviors, “cannot corrupt” in system and process and “do not attempt to corrupt” in consciousness, so as to maintain a clean and self-disciplined business environment. 

    We abide by the laws and regulations related to business ethics in the countries and regions where we operate, such as the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the PRC (《中華人民共和國反不正當競爭法》), the Regulations of the PRC on Administrative Penalties for Public Security (《中華人民共和國治安管理處罰條例》), the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Anti-money Laundering (《中華人民共和國反洗錢法》) and the Basic Norms on Internal Control of Enterprises (《企業內部控制基本規範》).The Group has adopted the Anti-Corruption Policy (《反貪污制度》) to prevent and control various corruption and fraud incidents such as commercial bribery, commercial benefit transmission and financial embezzlement. The Group has formulated the Administrative Measures for Rewards and Punishment of Employees (《員工獎懲管理辦法》), the Measures for the Investigation and Administration of Fraud Cases (《舞弊案件調查管理辦法》), the Commitment for Honesty in Key and Sensitive Positions (《關鍵敏感崗位廉潔從業承諾書》), the Integrity Report on Key and Sensitive Positions (《關鍵敏感崗位述廉報告》), the List of Negative Behaviors of Cadres (《幹部負向行爲清單》) and other policies. By doing so, the Group aims to give full play to the role of supervision in internal audits, regulate the investigation of corruption cases, and specify the responsibilities of different departments in investigating and handling cases and punishing undisciplined personnel. Anti-corruption performance has been included as a one-vote veto in the year-end assessment for the subsidiaries. The punitive clauses in the Administrative Measures for Rewards and Punishment of Employees are divided into six categories: work discipline, life discipline, security management, information security, favoritism and fraud (business ethics), and crimes against the law.Disciplinary results shall be used in performance appraisals, salary adjustments, merit awards, job and rank promotions, as well as dismissal, demotion or reduction in rank.

    In addition, we issued the Circular on Strengthening the Management over the Special Sunny Integrity Module (《關於加強舜宇廉政專庫管理的通知》) to establish a mechanism for reporting to the module and improve the process for handling gifts and gratuities that cannot be returned. In 2022, the Group was the only Ningbo-based nominator for the Innovation Award at the third “Top Ten Innovation Experiences in Grass-roots Integrity Building (Zhejiang)”. During the Reporting Period, the Group was recognized as an “Outstanding Performer in Zhejiang Integrity Building”.  

    During the Reporting Period, there were no concluded legal cases regarding corrupt practices brought against the Group or its employees and major non-compliance matters in the audit work.No lawsuits for discrimination or harassment, no lawsuits for breaches of private customer data.No incidents of conflicts of interest.No incidents of money laundering or insider trading.

Tax Strategy

    We believe that paying the tax honestly is a social responsibility which can promote the long-term sustainable operation of enterprises. The Group complies with the tax regulations of the countries where it operates and declares and pays all taxes and fees on time. We not  transfer value created to low tax jurisdictions;not  use tax structures without commercial substance;not  use secrecy jurisdictions or so-called "tax havens” for tax avoidance;undertake transfer pricing using the arm’s length principle.

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