Stock Code:2382.HK

Sustainable Development

Focus on the beauty of science and technology

Implement the strategy of a supporting role,
become the world's leading integrated optical products manufacturing enterprises.

Green Operation

 >Sustainable Development>Green Operation

Environmental Principles:
• Strengthen the management of pollution sources and take effective precaution measures to reduce or avoid the impact of wastewater, waste gas and solid waste on the environment;

• Promote green development, increase the proportion of clean energy use, eliminate high-energy-consuming equipment, optimize equipment layout and operating parameters, introduce advanced electrification and digital energy management platforms, and improve energy utilization rate;

• Continuously improve production technology, strictly control the production process, improve product yield rates and save resources and energy as much as possible;

• Strive to seek substitutes for hazardous and noxious substances to make the Group’s products meet the requirements of customers as well as the laws and regulations of importing countries. The materials entering the Group must have green products warranty certificates and testing qualified reports issued by third-party testing agencies which are recognized by the Group; and

• Encourage the employees to raise environmental protection awareness and master knowledge and skills in environmental protection.

Environmental  Policy:
1. The CEO is responsible for overseeing the implementation of environmental management policies.
2. We have set up an Environmental Management Division at the Group level to establish a working mechanism under which each subsidiary is independently responsible, the Company takes charge of supervision, targets and responsibilities are specified, all levels are involved in management, and to clarify the main responsibilities of personnel at each level, to better fulfill our responsibility for environmental protection.
3. Comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations, and formulate a management system in line with the actual situation of the Company in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations.
4. Set targets and objectives to reducing environmental impacts and commit to continuous improvement of environmental performance
5. Prioritize the selection of green raw materials in product design and strive to seek toxic and harmful substitutes to make our products greener.
6. Raise employees' awareness of environmental protection and train them to understand the impact of their work activities on the environment.
7. Management of hidden environmental hazards. Environmental factor identification is carried out annually, control measures are formulated, and environmental inspections of production sites, rectification of hidden dangers and acceptance of rectification are organized on a regular basis.
8. Operation and management of environmental protection facilities. Establishment of environmental protection facility accounts, formulation of inspection and maintenance plans, and daily operation and inspection.
9. Daily disposal management of wastewater, waste gas and solid waste. Daily inspections to ensure that there are no abnormal discharges of wastewater, waste gas and solid waste.
10. For procurement activities, we give priority to suppliers in Zhejiang Province to reduce the environmental impact of transportation, as long as factors such as quality and delivery time are guaranteed.
11. Inform relevant parties of our environmental management requirements.
12. Adopt economic and technological policies and measures conducive to the conservation and recycling of resources, the protection and improvement of the environment and the promotion of harmony between human beings and nature, so as to harmonize economic and social development with environmental protection.

 Biodiversity Assessment and commitment:

Environmental impact assessment has been carried out during the construction of all of the Group's projects projects, none of which is within the scope of the ecological protection red line and is in line with the Ningbo City Ecological Protection Red Line Plan.We are committed to siting new projects with due consideration of biodiversity and avoiding the destruction of biodiversity.



 No Deforestation Commitment

We are aware of the importance of forest resources and the importance of deforestation and reforestation for environmental protection, and therefore we are committed to taking active measures in our production, trading, and sales activities to conserve forest resources and minimize negative impacts on the environment.

We promise:

1.Striving to comply with forest conservation regulations and standards.
2.No large-scale deforestation.
3.Supporting and actively participating in projects and actions to green woodland preservation.
4.Assessing the impact of existing operations on forest conservation and develop action plans to manage risks.
5.New project sites are selected with full consideration of forest protection factors to avoid impacts on important forest areas.
6.Increasing the proportion of clean energy use, optimizing production processes and innovating technologies to reduce energy consumption and waste emissions, thereby reducing pressure on the forest environment.
7.Implementing sustainable supply chain policies, optimizing transportation modes, and promoting forest conservation measures in our supply chain and with our partners to reduce the impact on forest resources.
8.Communicating regularly with stakeholders and make concerted efforts to protect forest resources.
9.Regularly monitoring our progress towards achieving our commitment to no deforestation.

  This commitment applies to all operating locations, subsidiaries, suppliers and business or partners in the value chain worldwide.Through this No Deforestation Commitment, the Group will endeavor to contribute to forest conservation and achieve sustainable development.

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