Stock Code:2382.HK

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Financial Brief

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2022 Financial Highlights

发布时间:Mon Mar 20 00:00:00 CST 2023 kicks:4298

  (For the year ended 31 December 2022)  
  Revenue (RMB mn): 33,196.9  
  Gross Profit (RMB mn): 6,605.0  
  Gross Profit Margin: 19.9%  
  Net Profit (RMB mn): 2,474.1  
  Net Profit Margin: 7.5%  
  Cash and Cash Equivalents (RMB mn): 18,104.6  
  Return on Euity: 11.2%  
  Gearing Ratio: 14.4%  
  Current Ratio (Times): 1.6  
  (For the six months ended 30 June 2022)  
  Revenue (RMB mn): 16,971.8  
  Gross Profit (RMB mn): 3,522.4  
  Gross Profit Margin: 20.8%  
  Net Profit (RMB mn): 1,378.8  
  Net Profit Margin: 8.1%  
  Cash and Cash Equivalents (RMB mn): 14,419.2  
  Return on Euity: 6.5%  
  Gearing Ratio: 16.3%  
  Current Ratio (Times): 1.8  

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